Original scientific paper To analyse the influence of joint angle, number and spacing on the strength and acoustic emission (AE) characteristics of rock mass, the uniaxial compression model of rock specimens was established using the micro particle flow PFC2D software platform. The intact rock parameters were determined via trial and error, joints with different angles, numbers and spacing were prefabricated in the model, and a compression test was performed using the displacement control method. The compressive strength, elastic modulus, and AE time characteristics of the rock specimens increased, decreased, and then increased again along with increasing joint angle. The AE characteristics at joint angles 0°, 15°, 30° and 90° were consistent with those of the intact rock specimens, while the 45° ÷ 75° joint angle showed relatively discrete AE characteristics. A larger number of joints corresponded to lower uniaxial compressive strength, elastic modulus, and AE intensity. However, the time and strain range of the obvious AE were not significant. The compressive strength and AE signal intensity of the rock specimens increased along with joint spacing, but the AE triggering time did not show obvious changes. Uniaxial compression tests were performed via numerical simulation to avoid the non-homogeneous and discrete effects from the indoor test and to reflect accurately the influence of joint angle, number, and spacing on the strength and AE characteristics of rock mass. The results can help in generating reliable criteria for predicting the instability of engineering rock mass.
Keywords: acoustic emission; intensity; joint angle; joint number; joint spacing; jointed rock mass
Simulacijska analiza čvrstoće i karakteristika akustičke emisije raspucale stijenske maseIzvorni znanstveni članak Kako bi se analizirao utjecaj kuta, broja i raspona raspukline na čvrstoću i karakteristike akustičke emisije (AE) stijenske mase, postavljen je jednoosni kompresijski model uzoraka stijene uz primjenu PFC2D računalne platforme za protok mikro čestica. Metodom pokusa i pogreške određeni su originalni parametri stijene, u modelu su unaprijed izvedene raspukline različitih kutova, brojeva i razmaka, te je provedeno ispitivanje na pritisak metodom praćenja pomaka. Tlačna čvrstoća, modul elastičnosti i vremenske karakteristike AE uzoraka stijene su se povećali, smanjili te ponovo povećali kako se povećavao kut raspukline. Karakteristike AE kod raspukline kutova 0°, 15°, 30° i 90° bile su u skladu s onima kod originalnih uzoraka stijene, dok su se kod kuta raspukline od 45° ÷ 75° pojavile relativno diskretne karakteristike AE. Veći broj raspuklina podudarao se u nižoj jednoosnoj tlačnoj čvrstoći, modulu elastičnosti i intenzitetu AE. Međutim, nije došlo do značajne promjene u vremenu i veličini deformacije. Tlačna čvrstoća i intenzitet signala AE uzoraka stijene porasli su s povećanjem razmaka raspukline, ali se to nije pokazalo na pokazivaču vremena AE. Jednoosna ispitivanja kompresije provedena su numeričkom simulacijom kako bi se i...