Abstract. We show that the dominance of prolate over oblate shapes in even-even deformed nuclei can be derived from the SU (3) symmetry and the Pauli principle.As remarked in a recent review [1] by Hamamoto and Mottelson, "the observed almost complete dominance of prolate over oblate deformations in the ground states of deformed even-even nuclei is not yet adequately understood".In this letter we suggest that the appearance of prolate (rugby ball shaped) deformations in the ground states of the majority of deformed even-even nuclei, as opposed to the existence of a few oblate (pancake shaped) ground state deformations appearing just below the simultaneous closing of the proton valence shell and the neutron valence shell can be understood in terms of the SU (3) symmetry and the Pauli principle alone.The basic steps needed in this proof are listed here.1) The SU (3) symmetry discovered by Elliott [2,3] in the sd shell, is destroyed in higher shells by the presence of the strong spin-orbit interaction. However, it has been recently realized [4] that the SU (3) symmetry can be approximately recovered in the higher shells by substituting the opposite parity orbitals (except the one lying highest in energy) invading a given shell from above by the normal parity orbitals which have deserted this given shell in order to take refuge in the shell below. Using the Nilsson asymptotic quantum numbers [5,6] one can see that during this replacement all angular momentum projections (projections of orbital angular momentum, spin, total angular momentum) remain unchanged, while only the total number of quanta N and the number of quanta in the z-direction, n z , are reduced by one unit. This approximation is in line with the remark by Mottelson [7] that the asymptotic quantum numbers of the Nilsson model can be seen as a generalization of Elliott's SU (3).2) The SU (3) symmetry being restored, it is known that the ground state will belong to the highest weight irreducible representation (λ, μ) of SU (3) [2,3], occurring a