The impact of a magneto-structural phase transition on
the carrier
effective mass in Cu5FeS4 plasmonic semiconductor
nanocrystals was examined using magnetic circular dichroism (MCD).
Through MCD, the sample was confirmed as p-type with variable-temperature
studies from 1.8–75 K. Magnetic field-dependent behavior is
observed, showing an asymptotic behavior at high field with an m* value 5.98 m*/m
e at 10 T and 2.73 m*/m
e at 2 T. Experimentally obtained results are holistically
compared to SQUID magnetization data and DFT calculations, highlighting
a dependency on vacancy-driven polaronic coupling, magnetocrystalline
anisotropy, and plasmon coupling of the magnetic field, all contributing
to an overall decrease in the hole mean free path dependent on the
magnetic field applied to Cu5FeS4.