The intermediate state of a type-I superconductor Pb film is studied by a scanning Hall probe and scanning ac-susceptibility microscopies under static and oscillating applied magnetic fields. The structure of the typical flux patterns during magnetic field penetration/expulsion shows a strong hysteresis. Under the action of an ac field, the multiply quantized flux tubes in a type-I superconductor reveal a dynamical reordering similar to what is observed in the Campbell regime for vortices in a type-II superconductor. Most strikingly, after shaking, higher density flux tube patterns demonstrate a reorganization from a superheated metastable tubular pattern to a stable stripe pattern. We provide direct experimental evidence that the flux reorganization behavior is a dynamical transition. Gesellschaft into an ordered state [8]. Moreover, an oscillating drive is found to lead to new experimental observations which cannot be explained by the force-dependent evolution of a steadily driven VL. Both numerical simulations [1] and experimental studies [9,10] have demonstrated that an oscillating drive can assist the VL ordering even when the vortices are plastic if the same force is applied in a constant way, indicating that oscillatory dynamics plays an essential role.Besides the systems with triangular lattices, numerical studies [11] have indicated that such dynamical phases and reordering transitions may also occur in systems with competing short-and long-range interactions such as the intermediate state (IS) of type-I superconductors, ferrofluids, amphiphilic monolayers, adsorbates on a metal substrate [12]. In type-I superconducting samples with a geometry that promotes demagnetizing effects, the competition arises from the positive surface energy between the normal (N) and superconducting (S) domains which favors short-range attraction, and the magnetic energy which results in the long-range repulsions [13][14][15]. Compared with the aforementioned systems, the accessibility of the IS and the possibility of manipulation of its thermodynamical parameters make type-I superconductors a very convenient model system to gain a deeper insight into the physics of ac-shaking-induced transitions between different IS patterns.So far, there have been only a few reports on the dc-driven transformation of the IS. By applying a high driving current, Hoberg and Prozorov [16] observed the transition from laminar structure to tubular pattern, suggesting that tubular pattern represents the most equilibrium state. It has also been found that stripe patterns can undergo a restructuring to tubes after cycling the magnetic field periodically [17]. However, a theoretical estimate made by Goren and Tinkham [13] showed that the tubular and the laminar patterns have approximately the same energy. This means that the equilibrium superconducting state in IS can be easily affected by various factors such as the presence of pinning centers and differences in sample geometry. Magneto-optical studies revealed that the differences in flux structures...