We determine the quantum multiplication with divisor classes on the Hilbert scheme of points on an elliptic surface S → Σ for all curve classes which are contracted by the induced fibration S [n] → Σ [n] . The formula is expressed in terms of explicit operators on Fock space. The structure constants are meromorphic quasi-Jacobi forms of index 0. Combining with work of Hu-Li-Qin, this determines the quantum multiplication with divisors on the Hilbert scheme of elliptic surfaces with pg(S) > 0. We also determine the equivariant quantum multiplication with divisor classes for the Hilbert scheme of points on the product E × C.The proof of our formula is based on Nesterov's Hilb/PT wall-crossing, a newly established GW/PT correspondence for the product of an elliptic surface times a curve, and new computations in the Gromov-Witten theory of an elliptic curve.