Seventy-four strains of Streptococcus bovis and 35 strains of enterococci (Streptococcus faecalis and its varieties, Streptococcus faecium and Streptococcus durans), most of which were isolated from patients with endocarditis, were tested for their susceptibility to penicillin, ampicillin, erythromycin, cephalothin, vancomycin, methicillin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, kanamycin, streptomycin, and MATERIALS AND METHODS Cultures. Most of the cultures used in this study were isolated from the blood of patients with endocarditis and were submitted to the Center for Disease Control for identification or for confirmation of identification. A few of the cultures were from the laboratory's stock collection. These cultures were speciated by previously described methods (4).
Seventy-fou.r nonenterococcal group D streptococciwere used in this study. Sixty-eight of these strains were S. bovis and six were S. bovis variants. Twelve of the S. bovis strains were stock cultures, but the remaining strains were isolates from the blood of patients with endocarditis.Thirty-five enterococcal species were studied. Twenty-four of these strains were Streptococcus faecalis and its varieties (nine S. faecalis, eight S. faecalis var. liquefaciens, and seven S. faecalis var. zymogenes). Eight strains were classified as Streptococcus faecium and three as Streptococcus durans.Antibiotics. The antibiotics and their sources were ampicillin, methicillin, and kanamycin from Bristol Laboratories; erythromycin, cephalothin, and vancomycin from Eli Lilly & Co.; penicillin from Wyeth Laboratories; gentamicin from Schering Corp.; streptomycin and tetracycline from Pfizer Laboratories; and chloramphenicol from Parke, Davis & Co.Stock solutions of the antibiotics were prepared with the appropriate diluent. Further dilutions of the stock solutions for use in the tests were made in Trypticase soy broth (TSB, BioQuest).Susceptibility tests. The streptococci were inoculated onto plates of Trypticase soy-blood agar with 4% defibrinated rabbit blood (TSA) and incubated overnight at 35 C. Four to five similar colonies from each culture were touched with a sterile loop and inoculated into 5 ml of TSB. These cultures were incubated in a water bath at 35 C until they had produced a turbid broth. The cultures were then diluted to contain approximately 105 colony-forming units (CFU) per ml.