Abstract. In this paper we report on the spectrum and frequency of lesions observed in a prospective study of naturally occurring infections with Streptococcus suis type 9 (SS-9) in weaned pigs. SS-9 produced arthritis, meningitis, interstitial pneumonia, and endocarditis in 100%, 91%, 73%, and 42%, respectively, of pigs dying from the disease. The lesions were similar to those caused by S. suis type 2 (SS-2), however, SS-9 produced a different frequency of lesions. In SS-2 infections, bronchopneumonia is the most commonly observed lesion; meningitis, arthritis, and endocarditis are less frequently observed. Thus, SS-9 produced a different distribution of lesions from that reported for SS-2. Possible explanations for the differences found are discussed.Since its discovery as a cause of meningoencephalitis are the basis for the suggestion that these antigens play and pneumonia in pigs 1-6 months of age, 5 Strepto-a role in the pathogenesis of the disease. 19 Investigation coccus suis has been isolated from cases of septice-into differences among lesions caused by various types mia.2,15,28 arthritis 2,10,22,24,28 meningitis, 2,22,24,28 pneuendocarditis, 5,15,20,22,28 may enhance our understanding of the pathogenesis of monia,
13,22,24,28and numerous S. suis infections. The spectrum and frequency of leother lesions .20,21 Differences have been noted among sions observed in a prospective study of naturally ocvarious serotypes. Streptococcus suis type 1 (SS-1) gen-curring porcine SS-9 infections are described in this erally affects nursing piglets 1-3 weeks of age 4 and caus-report. es meningitis, arthritis, and septicemia. 17, 18, and 19. 8,9 Thus, it appears that there are differences in both virulence and lesions caused by the various types of S. suis.Whereas SS-2 is the most common type reported in most countries, 11,12,25 other types are prevalent in specific regions. In Finland and Denmark, S. suis type 7 (SS-7) is the most common 2,23 and is comparable to SS-1 in virulence, tissue tropism, and age of pig affected.2 In Australia, SS-9 is most common.
7Although the capsular antigens are not the only important virulence factors, 18,19,29,30 they are used in diagnostic laboratories to distinguish among isolates. 8,9 Correlations between capsular antigens and virulence Received for publication October 19, 1993. All pigs were from a minimal disease (caesarian-sectionderived Landrace crossbred parent stock) farrow-to-finish herd of 200 sows, known to be free of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae infection but with an approximate mortality of 6% of weanlings as a result of SS-9 infection. The majority of postweaning deaths were examined. In 33 pigs, SS-9 was isolated in greater numbers than any other pathogen from at least 1 organ other than joint. These isolations were considered to be systemic cases of SS-9 infection and are reported here. Pigs ranged in age from 32 days to 4 mo. Three of the 4 pigs that were submitted moribund were euthanized by intravenous barbiturate injection and 1 was euthanized by halothane inhal...