“…Yes or no?" This question is similar to those used in a number of recent studies to determine the pregnancy intention (e.g., Clinton & Kelber, 1993;Delgado-Rodriguez et al, 1997;Dietz et al, 1999;Harris & Campbell, 1999;Rosenfeld & Everett, 1996). This dichotomous measure (planned vs. unplanned) was preferred to a more detailed measure that distinguishes among planned, mistimed (i.e., a desired pregnancy that occurred sooner than the couple wanted), and unwanted pregnancies (i.e., a pregnancy that occurred even though the couple did not desire a pregnancy; Brown & Eisenberg, 1995;Orr & Miller, 1997;Zotti & Siegel, 1995) because the consistency of responses over time and between survey and in-depth interview for a designed respondent is higher when a dichotomous measure is used rather than when a more detailed measure is used (Williams, Sobieszczyk, & Perez, 2001; but see also Santelli et al, 2003).…”