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ABSTRACT (maximum 200 words)A mechanical device and associated testing procedure were developed to apply internal pressure to open-ended cylinders for determination of various properties, including burst pressure, elastic modulus, and Poisson's ratio. ANSYS finite element analysis software was used to model the operation of the device with aluminum cylinders. Analytic equations for thin and thick cylinders were used to validate the computer model results. Initial mechanical testing was performed with aluminum cylinders to verify results against the finite element model. Glass and carbon fiber composite cylinders were fabricated and tested to failure with the device and the aforementioned properties were found. Finally, carbon fiber composite tensile specimens of the dog-bone shape were tested to failure to compare material properties with those found from the cylinder tests. The test device and methods developed in this research support Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and the Defense Threat Reduction Agency in the development of the Agent Defeat Penetrator, a next-generation agent defeat weapon.
ABSTRACTA mechanical device and associated testing procedure were developed to applyinternal pressure to open-ended cylinders for determination of various properties, including burst pressure, elastic modulus, and Poisson's ratio. ANSYS finite element analysis software was used to model the operation of the device with aluminum cylinders.Analytic equations for thin and thick cylinders were used to validate the computer model results. Initial mechanical testing was performed with aluminum cylinders to verify results against the finite element model. Glass and carbon fiber composite cylinders were fabricated and tested to failure with the device, and the aforementioned properties were found. Finally, carbon fiber composite tensile specimens of the dog-bone shape were tested to failure to compare material properties with those found from the cylinder tests.