Background: Every work environment, especially within a hospital setup, needs to be conducive, friendly and stress-free to promote quality care and wellbeing of health care workers whose job demands are increasing day by day. As healthcare providers are exposed to high stress degrees during their work, so we conducted the present work aiming to study stress and burnout among nurses working in Menoufia University hospitals.
Methods: A cross-sectional study involved 158 nurses in different departments in Menoufia University Hospitals. Tools used in this study were data collection forms including different forms including sociodemographic factors, work-related factors, Job satisfaction questions, stress and Burnout questions, Burnout prevention Survey. Data analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows version 21.0.Results: Significant factors associated with stress among nurses are gender, educational level, working department, Job satisfaction, and working hours/ week. The binomial logistic analysis found that education, working hours/ week are independent significant factors associated with stress among the study group. The only significant factor associated with burnout prevention and the ability to cope with stress is working years.
Conclusion:A comprehensive review of working hours, responsibilities and distribution of work are strongly recommended. Together with multiple interventions to help staff to cope with stress through counseling, motivation, redistribution of work, reducing working hours, and recruitment of new staff.