Objective: Although military interest in promoting psychological resilience is growing, resources protective against psychopathology have been understudied in female service members. Using a representative sample of Canadian Forces personnel, we investigated whether religious attendance, spirituality, coping, and social support were related to mental disorders and psychological distress in female service members, and whether sex differences occurred in these associations.Method: Religious attendance and spirituality were self-reported. Coping items were taken from 3 scales and produced 3 factors (active, avoidance, and self-medication). Social support was assessed with the Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey. Past-year mental disorders were diagnosed with the World Mental Health Composite International Diagnostic Interview. The Kessler Psychological Distress Scale assessed distress. Multivariate regression models investigated links between correlates and psychological outcomes within each sex. For associations that were statistically significant in only one sex, sex by correlate interactions were computed.
Results:In female service members, inverse relations were found between social support and MDD, any MDD or anxiety disorder, suicidal ideation, and distress. No associations were found between religious attendance and outcomes, and spirituality was associated with an increased likelihood of some outcomes. Active coping was related to less psychological distress, while avoidance coping and self-medication were linked to a higher likelihood of most outcomes. Although several statistically significant associations were found in only one sex, only one sex by correlate interaction was statistically significant.
Conclusions:Social support was found to be inversely related to several negative mental health outcomes in female service members. Few differences between men and women reached statistical significance. Future research should identify additional helpful resources for female service members.
Facteurs de protection contre les troubles mentaux et la dĂ©tresse psychologique chez les membres fĂ©minins, comparĂ©s aux membres masculins des forces armĂ©es dans un Ă©chantillon reprĂ©sentatifObjectif : Quoique l'intĂ©rĂȘt militaire pour la promotion de la rĂ©silience psychologique va en grandissant, les ressources protectrices contre la psychopathologie ont Ă©tĂ© sous-Ă©tudiĂ©es chez les membres fĂ©minins des forces armĂ©es. Ă l'aide d'un Ă©chantillon reprĂ©sentatif du personnel des Forces canadiennes, nous avons recherchĂ© si la pratique religieuse, la spiritualitĂ©, l'adaptation, et le soutien social Ă©taient liĂ©s aux troubles mentaux et Ă la dĂ©tresse psychologique chez le personnel fĂ©minin des Forces, et si des diffĂ©rences selon le sexe survenaient dans ces associations.