Using data from nodal geophones and broadband seismometers, this study investigates the seismicity near Red Deer, Alberta, a region with increasing cases of hydraulic fracturing (HF)-induced earthquakes. A cluster of 417 events was detected, and their spatial distribution and focal mechanisms reveal a NE trending rupture area with two strike-slip fault planes. Reactivation of preexisting faults by pore pressure diffusion is likely responsible for the occurrence of the earthquake sequence following the M L 4.18 mainshock. The temporal sequence of reactivated fault orientations suggests apparent changes in the local stress field following the mainshock, which is also responsible for a remotely triggered cluster observed 1 month after the mainshock. This secondary triggering process enhances our understanding of the trailing effect of HF-induced seismicity. Plain Language Summary Since 2018, the Red Deer region in Alberta, Canada, has experienced an increasing number of earthquakes, most of which are associated with nearby hydraulic fracturing operations. In this study, we analyze data from a dense array of seismic sensors and regional seismometers to detect and locate events surrounding a hydraulic fracturing site near Red Deer from 4 March to 10 April 2019. The spatial distribution of the earthquakes defines a complex fault system that was activated at two different times. The results in this study signify stress changes in the shallow crust in connection with the 4.18 magnitude earthquake on 4 March 2019. Modifications to the regional stress regime are relatively long-lived, as suggested by the continued occurrences of smaller earthquakes 1 month after the mainshock.