Abstract. A nonlinear viscoelastic problem of the mechanics of composites is solved within the framework of a second-order nonlinear theory. A viscoelastic functional is used to construct general defining relations. A stochastic boundary value problem forIntroduction. Computer modeling of the overall, smeared properties of composite viscoelastic materials is the problem of a practical importance [1,2,3]. Its solutions being the evaluation of stress concentration in microstructure elements and the formulation of required criteria of durability which would correspond to classical methods of strength theory [4,5]. In the hereditary theory of viscoelasticity, the mechanical properties of the medium are given by elastic constants, creep kernels, and relaxation kernel [5,6,10]. The problem of identifying the creep and relaxation kernels, establishing the connection between kernels and determining the parameters of kernel is one of the main problems of the theory of viscoelasticity [6,8,9]. In the case of a uniaxial stressed state, the heredity kernels and the parameters of the nuclei are determined directly from the results of approximating the direct measurements of deformations or stresses in the process of creep or relaxation by functions that define the kernel. A detailed analysis of the methods for selecting the kernel structure and methods for determining the rheological parameters of linearly viscoelastic materials under a uniaxial stressed state is presented in [6,9,10]. The task of identifying heredity kernels in a complex stress state is more complex and reduces to establishing the relationship between the heredity kernel under a complex and uniaxial stress state. The uniaxial stress state is realized directly in the experiment and is considered as the base one. But as to composite material, a relationships would be established between the shear and volume creep kernels, as well as the longitudinal and transverse creep kernel. A dependence between the creep kernels in the complex stress state of multicomponent composite and local stress concentration are very important problems from the point of view of longterm strength prediction.