The effect of H 2 S at the parts per million level on the early stage of iron corrosion in 3 wt % NaCl solutions saturated with CO 2 is investigated using electrochemical and surface science techniques. Small H 2 S concentrations ͑5 ppm͒ have an inhibiting effect on corrosion in the presence of CO 2 . At higher H 2 S concentrations ͑up to 500 ppm͒, the corrosion rate is higher but below the H 2 S-free case. The characterization of the iron surfaces after corrosion uses photoelectron spectroscopy and electron microscopy. For Fe exposed to H 2 S-containing solutions, a sulfur peak ͑S 2p͒ appears at a binding energy of 162.1 eV, attributable to disulfide ͑S 2 2− ͒ adsorption. The Fe 2p 3/2 peak attributed to Fe͑II͒ at the surface shifts by about 1 eV in the presence of 5 ppm H 2 S compared to the H 2 S-free case due to bonding of Fe to S and O. At higher H 2 S concentrations, the formation of a S-rich surface is indicated. Morphological changes are observed on the iron surface after exposure to H 2 S-containing solutions. A thin protective film forms at 5 ppm H 2 S, while at higher H 2 S concentrations a thicker, more porous surface phase forms. A mechanism for corrosion inhibition of iron in different concentrations of H 2 S in CO 2 /brine is proposed.In the search for new sources of oil and gas, operational activities have moved to harsher environments in deeper high pressure/high temperature wells and remote offshore locations. This has created increased challenges to the economy of project development and execution where operational integrity and an accurate prediction of material performance are becoming paramount. The economic move toward multiphase transportation through subsea completions and long in-field flow lines has increased the risk of corrosion. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] Corrosion, therefore, remains a major operational obstacle to successful hydrocarbon production, and its optimum control and management is regarded essential for the cost-effective design of facilities and their safe operations. This has wide-ranging implications on the integrity of many materials used in the petroleum industry. 1-9 Oilfield corrosion manifests itself in several forms, among which CO 2 corrosion ͑sweet corrosion͒ and H 2 S corrosion ͑sour corrosion͒ in the produced fluids and oxygen corrosion in water injection systems are by far the most prevalent forms of attack encountered in oil and gas production. The majority of oilfield failures result from CO 2 corrosion of carbon and low alloy steels primarily due to inadequate knowledge and predictive capability and the insufficient resistance of carbon and low alloy steels to this type of attack. 1-12 The understanding, prediction, and control of this corrosion are key challenges to sound facilities design, operation, and subsequent integrity assurance.CO 2 corrosion..-CO 2 corrosion, or "sweet corrosion," of carbon and low alloy steels is not a new problem. It was first recorded in the U.S. oil and gas industry in the 1940s, followed by several studies since then. 1-8 A...