“…In evaluating the effect of stress on the immune system, the type of stress, the type of immune response being evaluated, and the relation of the time of stress induction and duration of stress in relation to the time of immunization must be considered. Thus the general applicability of the significant findings that we have reported, which indicate that stress can influence the immune response, must be considered within the above parameters Given these restrictions, a variety of expenments have shown a positive interaction between the presence of stress and alteration of immune system function (Amkraut, Solomon, Kasper, & Purdue, 1972, Baker et al, 1984, 1985, Chang & Rasmusscn, 1964, Pitkm, 1966 This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers. This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.…”