A survey is provided of some of the better known examples of quantitative results during fluid injection on number, quality, and weakening effects for fractures in earth reservoirs along with some comparisons to either well-known or better-known theories of both fracture arrival and/or new growth of existing fractures through both fluid injection and stress application. The detailed analyses presented focus on reservoirs having (at worst) orthotropic symmetry. * JGBerryman@LBL.GOV
1Perhaps the earliest attempt to analyze the mechanics of fracture in solids was due to Griffith (1924). His work provides a wide-ranging discussion of fracture of various materials.His main example was glass rods, but he also discusses cracked plates, fibers, along with a brief treatment of applications to liquids. Sack (1946) (on page 730) corrects some mathematical errors in Griffith's paper, especially for materials containing circular cracks, and considers materials containing circular cracks. Sack's results may depend on Poisson's ratio of the material, whereas Griffith's results generally do not. Elliott (1947) generalized Griffith's approach for applications to metals, and provides a discussion of cracks in both 2D and 3D. This work concentrates especially on penny-shaped cracks and Griffith cracks. Results are in agreement with the experimental results of Griffith, but several differing versions of the formulas are also examined. Orowan (1949) presents an extensive review of the Griffith theory, a rederivation of those results based on atomic considerations, and also a detailed discussion about brittle strength of polycrystalline aggregates. However, the work of Brace (1960), which generalizes Griffith's approach and applies it to rocks, is one good example of work more pertinent to our present goals. Rice (1968) points out that the Griffith theory of elastic brittle fracture is also mathematically identical to the theory of fracture based on atomic cohesive forces as presented by Barenblatt (1962).The works of Dugdale (1960) and Barenblatt (1962) are not themselves so directly pertinent to our targeted earth sciences problems, but they are nevertheless mentioned frequently in the references in later works by Rice (1968), Broberg (1971 and others, and therefore provide useful background for various related fracture analyses and applications.Another early paper, and one that will play a major role in the later analyses of fluid effects here, is due to Athy (1930). This paper is the earliest one known to the author that introduces a nonlinear (or exponential) dependence into the formulas for mechanical behavior (i.e., elastic deformation) of soils. In particular, Athy shows thatwhere D is the density of the soil, B is 1.4 -which is the density of a surface clay, A is 1.3 -which is the maximum density of increase possible, b is a constant, and x is the depth of burial.