To investigate the prognostic value of dobutamine stressinduced changes in systolic blood pressure (BP) 418 patients (mean age 60 years, 238 men) with chest pain and known or suspected coronary artery disease, who underwent a dobutamine-atropine stress technetium99m sestamibi myocardial perfusion scintigraphic study, were followed up for 25 { 15 months. Blood pressure was measured by automatic sphygmomanometry every 3 minutes. A marked decrease and increase in systolic BP from rest to peak were defined as changes of ¢20 mm Hg, and ¢30 mm Hg, respectively. Worst outcome events were cardiac death (n Å 30), nonfatal myocardial infarction (n Å 17), and hospitalization for congestive heart failure (n Å 8). A decrease in systolic BP (prevalence 16%) was associated with older age and higher baseline systolic BP. Fixed and reversible sestamibi perfusion defects and follow-up results were similar to patients without a systolic BP decrease. In contrast, an increase in systolic BP (prevalence 24%) was associated with younger age, lower baseline systolic BP, and with absence of a history of prior congestive heart failure or treatment with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. Furthermore, these patients had fewer fixed perfusion defects and tended to have fewer annual event rates (3.5% vs 7.5%, p õ0.10). In a multivariate model, an increase in systolic BP was not an independent predictor for subsequent events. In conclusion, a dobutamine-induced decrease in systolic BP is not associated with fixed or reversible sestamibi defects or adverse prognosis. An increase in systolic BP, however, is associated with less fixed sestamibi defects and a tendency toward less annual event rates. ᮊ1997 by Excerpta Medica, Inc.(Am J Cardiol 1997;79:1031-1035) D obutamine stress technetium-99m sestamibi myocardial perfusion scintigraphy is a pharmacologic stress modality with diagnostic 1-5 and prognostic 6 properties comparable to dobutamine stress echocardiography. Previous dobutamine stress echocardiographic studies have reported that dobutamine stress-induced hypotension is -unlike exercise -induced hypotension 7 -10 not related to new or worsening wall motion abnormalities 11 -14 and the presence or extent of coronary artery disease.
11,12Furthermore, a relatively small echocardiographic study 12 has supported these results with prognostic data that were similar for the hypotensive and the nonhypotensive group. To date, however, these findings were not confirmed by myocardial perfusion scintigraphic data. Also, it is not known whether a substantial increase in systolic blood pressure (BP)From the Thoraxcentre and the Department of Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital, Rotterdam-Dijkzigt and Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. This study was supported in part by funds from the Dutch Heart Foundation (Grant NHS 94.135), The Hague, The Netherlands, and Cairo University Hospital, Cairo, Egypt. Manuscript received July 16, 1996; revised manuscript received and accepted December 12, 1996.Address for reprints: Marcel L. Geleijn...