“…students on campus and in conducting activities, to increase their nonacademic performance Campus has facilities for carrying out extracurricular activities3 Students are allowed to choose activities that suit their extracurricular interests the students' opinion about the quality of teaching, in particular about the teachers' skills, facilities, the teaching-learning process and extracurricular activities, the average number of responses of the group of nursing students was 3, i.e., the respondents expressed that the quality of teaching is good, considering that the teachers of the nursing course have good competencies, the facilities are good, as well as the teaching learning process and extracurricular activities. The competencies of the teachers mentioned in the questionnaire are: language, teaching method, presence/punctuality of the teacher, communication and positive interaction with students, evaluation methods and classification of students, according to their skills, use of the appropriate teaching method, to answer doubts during the learning teaching process, to give opportunity to students when they want to ask questions, and also validates the students' opinion on the teaching methods applied, if they facilitate the understanding of the subject taught, presenting an average response of 3, which corresponds to a good satisfaction of the students (cited by Carlos and Alexandra, 2022).In relation to the facilities the result also reveals an average, in the room of 3 or good, referring to the satisfaction of students about the location of the campus, the education system, the support books, the means of teaching, the cleaning of the bathrooms, on the state of the classrooms, cleanliness and comfort, the disposition of the classrooms, about the campus, cleanliness, comfort and organization, about the library space and also about the illumination and quality given room and laboratory space.…”