The stress-induced phase transformation and micromechanical behavior of CuZr-based alloy were investigated by in-situ neutron diffraction. The pseudoelastic behavior with a pronounced strain-hardening effect is observed. The retained martensite nuclei and the residual stress obtained from the 1 st cycle reduce the stress threshold for the martensitic transformation. A © 2016. This manuscript version is made available under the Elsevier user license critical stress level is required for the reverse martensitic transformation from martensite to B2phase. An increase of intensity for the B2 (110) plane in the 1 st cycle is caused by the twinning along the {112}<111> twinning system. The convoluted stress partitioning influenced by the elastic and transformation anisotropy along with the newly formed martensite determines the microstress partitioning of the studied CuZr-based alloy. The reversible martensitic transformation is responsible for the pseudoelasticity. The macro mechanical behavior of the pure B2 phase can be divided into 3 stages, which are mediated by the evolvement of the martensitic transformation.The poor plasticity of conventional Bulk Metallic Glasses (BMGs) due to the highly localized shear bands has limited their engineering applications [1][2][3][4][5][6], although BMGs are one of the potential candidates for engineering structural materials due to their high strength, high hardness, and high wear resistance etc [7][8][9][10][11][12]. Recent efforts showed the poor plasticity could be adjusted 3 by introducing crystalline phases into the glass matrix, i.e. Bulk Metallic Glass Composites (BMGCs). The composites can possess the plastic deformability up to about the total 22% compressive strain [19]. However, to accommodate plastic strain, a series of ZrTi-based and Tibased composites show the obvious work softening after yielding, which restrict their practical engineering applications [16,[20][21]. In contrast, excellent work hardening has been achieved in the CuZr-based BMGCs [22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41]. As a result, the CuZr-based BMGCs containing B2 crystallites have garnered much interest owing to their outstanding work hardening ability.Recently, efforts have been taken to explain the mechanical behavior of the B2 crystalline in the CuZr-based BMGCs by ex-situ characterization methods, including X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), etc. For example, for the nano-sized B2 CuZr crystals, the precipitation [6,22,24,28,33] as well as the twinning of these nanocrystals [6] provides an effective way to counteract the strain softening. For the microsized B2 CuZr crystals, Pauly and Eckert [30][31] believe the compatibility of the elastic properties of the B2 phase and the amorphous matrix promotes the slip to transfer from the amorphous matrix to the B2 phase. Moreover, the B2 phase in BMGCs upon loading can also undergo martensiti...