“…[3][4][5][6] However, Nomenclature: a, half crack length, measured along the mid-thickness of the cylinder; E, Young's modulus; E*, = E for plane stress conditions; or = E/(1-ѵ 2 ) for plane strain conditions; F I , dimensionless geometry factor for tensile (mode I) load; F I *, nodal estimate of dimensionless geometry factor for tensile (mode I) load; F II , dimensionless geometry factor for torsional (mode II) load; F II *, nodal estimate of dimensionless geometry factor for torsional (mode II) load; J, polar moment of inertia; K, stress intensity factor; K I , K II , mode I and II stress intensity factors; K I *, K II *, nodal estimate of mode I and II stress intensity factors; l 1 , length of quarter-point element; l 2 , length of transition element; l e , size of elements near the crack, beyond the local crack tip mesh; L, half length of cylinder; P, applied tensile force; r, distance between a node and the crack tip node, measured on the cylindrical surface with radius R m ; R, radial distance; R m , mean radius of cylinder; t, wall thickness of cylinder; T, applied torque; u x , nodal value of displacement component parallel to the crack; u y , nodal value of displacement component normal to the crack; θ, half crack angle; λ, shell parameter = [12(1-ѵ) 2 ] 1/4 a/(R m t) 1/2 ; ѵ, Poisson's ratio; σ 0 , remote (nominal) axial stress; σ yy , axial stress component; τ, shear stress; τ 0 , remote (nominal) mid-thickness shear stress through-wall cracks may still be developed in tubular members in offshore structures, in connection with girth welds 7 or other stress raisers. 8 Knowledge of the stress intensity factor for circumferential through-wall cracks is also required for the evaluation of leak-before-break behaviour, 9,10 stress corrosion cracking, and crack stability 11 for piping, eg, in nuclear power plants.…”