To increase the use of geothermal energy in Bavaria, the subsurface, which serves as a reservoir, must be explored as precisely as possible. In the projects of the Geothermal‐Alliance Bavaria, the most promising areas for geothermal exploration in Bavaria were characterised based on an extensive geomechanical laboratory testing program which was carried out on both drill cores and analogue samples from quarries. In the North Alpine Foreland Basin (SE Germany), the geomechanical test results on Upper Jurassic carbonate rocks show a high heterogeneity. On the contrary, in the Franconian Basin (NE Bavaria) the geomechanical properties of granite analogues are rather homogenous. For the numerical simulation of the borehole stability, the determined parameters from ultrasonic‐ and compression tests serve as input parameters for different scenarios. For both locations, the determination of the failure depth around the borehole and the stress distribution in the near‐field of the borehole were accomplished. In the North Alpine Foreland Basin, the borehole stability decreases with increasing depth. For all scenarios in NE Bavaria, the borehole stability is very low. In the future, the determined parameter ranges will allow to validate already existing models and to develop new ones. This will enable a better knowledge of the sedimentary and crystalline reservoirs and a more effective use of geothermal energy in Bavaria.