The paper proposes a method to allow for the stress mode in analyzing the thermoelastoplastic stress-strain state of compound bodies of revolution under asymmetric loading and heating. Use is made of a semianalytic finite-element method and the method of successive approximations. Some numerical results are presented Keywords: nonaxisymmetric theory of thermoelastoplasticity, body of revolution, isotropic material, stress modeIntroduction. Improving the performance of modern machines and decreasing the materials consumption in critical components increase both the global and local stresses of a structure, causing the material to go beyond elasticity. There are quite many methods for numerical analysis of the stress-strain state of various structural members taking into account the behavior of the external load, the shape of the structural member, and the behavior of its material under nonisothermal loading. They are detailed in the contemporary literature [5, 9, 11-14, etc.]. The results obtained with these methods allow us to infer the reliability, performance, and life of structures. In deriving the constitutive equations (relating stresses and strains) to describe the elastoplastic deformation of elements of an isotropic solid, these methods assume that the relationship between the second invariants of the stress and strain tensors is independent of the stress mode and is determined from uniaxial tension or torsion tests on cylindrical specimens. However, enhancing the performance of modern machines and apparatus, reducing their materials consumption, and using new materials increase the global and local stresses of structures. The traditional calculation of the strength of structural members from their stress-strain state appears insufficient and may lead to premature failure of the structure. Therefore, to reliably predict the life of a structure at the design stage and the remaining life at the service stage, it is necessary to use methods of elastoplastic stress-strain analysis that would describe in more detail the plastic deformation of a material under combined nonisothermal loading. Among such effects is the dependence of the stress-strain curves of a material on the stress mode, i.e., on the third invariant of the stress deviator.The majority of structural steels are moderately sensitive to the stress mode. Their stress-strain curves obtained in tension (compression) or torsion tests on samples subject to small strains differ by no greater than 10%. For D16Ò aluminum alloy, however, such curves differ by 40% [2]. The materials sensitive to the stress mode include cast iron of various grades whose tensile, torsional, and compressive stress-strain curves differ substantially. So far, the stress analysis of structural members made of such materials has been based on constitutive equations that disregard the stress mode, and the heteroresistance of the material has been described through certain manipulations over the compliance matrix [1,17,19,20]. The studies [21][22][23] were apparently the first to ad...