The finite-element method is used to determine the stress state around arched mine workings in a mineral bed. Both presence and dip of the mineral bed have a strong effect on the stress state around the mine working. Recommendations for design of mine-working support are formulated Keywords: arched mine working, stress state, finite-element method, mineral bed, mine-working support Introduction. Nowadays, mankind consumes 3.7×10 20 J of energy a year, which is equivalent to burning of 170 million barrels of oil a day. This energy goes from the following six sources: oil (44%), natural gas (26%), coal (25%), water power (2.4%), nuclear power (2.4%), power of wind, Sun, etc. (0.2%) [5]. Since the resources of oil and gas are depleted very quickly, it may be concluded that the contribution of coal to the power supply of mankind would constantly increase. The complicated conditions of coal and metal mining are due to high fluctuations in the thickness and dip of beds, ore bodies, variability of the hardness of enclosing rocks and ores, nonuniform distribution and composite relief of mineral beds. The mine field is a mechanical system whose state is constantly affected by regular coal mining, accompanying technological factors, and tectonic and rheological phenomena and is a network of stress concentrators that has a significant effect on the stress-strain state of the mined rock mass. The geologic heterogeneity of mineral deposits (anisotropy and stratification of the rock mass, faults, etc.) is also a critical factor for the mining of coal and other minerals [6].At great depths, the mining conditions are much worse because of high rock pressure and its dynamic manifestations such as rock bursts [1]. A typical feature of deep mining is the commensurability of the stresses in structures and the ultimate strength of the mined beds. Therefore, the qualitative analysis of the stability of structural elements of the mining method and its relation to the coal-field development plan, as is the case at shallow depths, gives way to a rigorous quantitative analysis of the stress field at all stages of mining and a search for directional methods to affect this field so as to localize or remove dangerous stresses in those structures without which excavation is impossible. At great depths, there is a need for methods of affecting the stress state of the stoping area either by changing the geometry and arrangement of structural elements of the mining method or by changing their properties so as to provide partial absorption of their energy in elastic compression.Therefore, for accident prevention, it is necessary to analyze in detail the above-mentioned factors and to do excavation in the direction in which the risk that the mine workings will lose stability is minimum.We will analyze the stress state around mine workings in a mineral bed, which will allow us to formulate recommendations on support design and to indicate ways to reduce the probability of catastrophes that may lead to fatal accidents. If the boundary of a mine work...