Hans Selye would have made a horrible laboratory animal technician. This budding young 1930s scientist accidently discovered stress physiology and the negative effect chronic exposure has on the body because of his extremely poor rat handling skills 1 . As a result, we know for a fact that husbandry affects the quality of animal models. Despite this knowledge, most labs continue to ignore stressful experiences in rodent models, often because of time or financial costs. Today's researchers and animal technicians of course receive more training and animal welfare oversight than Dr. Selye, but the slow rate of progress in minimizing general stress in the laboratory is disheartening. In addition to the obvious animal welfare ramifications of this lack of advancement, animal models in general show poor predictive validity in terms of translational outcomes in human clinical trials. Roughly 90% of compounds (for example, drugs or other therapeutics) that are 'successful' in animal trials fail in FDA human trials; the majority of these failures are a result of a lack of efficacy 2 . There are certainly many variables that contribute to this failure to translate, including reliance on measures that lack biological or psychological homology, translation of human clinical measures, or simple environmental effects 3 . In addition, we widely assume that strain differences and genetics are a large, if not the largest, influence on mouse behavior. However, in a retrospective study of influences on thermal nociception, strain only accounted for 27% of data variability 4 . On the other hand, environmental factors alone accounted for as much as 42% of data variability in the same study, and the identity of the experimenter actually had more effect on behavior than the genetics of the animal. Other examples highlight even more marked ratios, with enormous effects on experimental power and false discovery rates if not properly accounted for in data analysis 3,5 . Yet there is a substantial lack of research and funding available to determine how the laboratory environment affects animal physiology and behavior, particularly as it relates to characteristics of the human disease being modeled.Temperature as an example of environmental stress Many aspects of the laboratory environment are stressful to rodents and do not accurately reflect human physiology. An animal's environment can include both physiological and social stressors that require an animal to adapt to maintain allostatic balance. Thermal stress, for example, is a known stressor in the laboratory that affects temperature regulation and metabolism and results in poor modeling of human conditions in mouse models. Laboratory mice experience some degree of thermal stress under all recommended housing temperatures 6,7 (typically between 20-26 °C), but are prevented from adequately using many of their behavioral adaptations for thermoregulation and must therefore rely on thermogenic processes. At 23 °C, a mouse's metabolic rate is 60% higher than its metabolic rate at thermoneu...