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AbstractIn this study, the effects of mental fatigue on mechanically induced tremor at both a low (3-6 Hz) and high (8-12 Hz) frequency were investigated. The two distinct tremor frequencies were evoked using two springs of different stiffness, during 20 s sustained contractions of the knee extensor muscles at 30% maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) before and after 100 min of a mental fatigue task, in 12 healthy (29 ± 3.7 years) participants. Mental fatigue resulted in a 6.9% decrease in MVC and in a 9.4% decrease in the amplitude of the agonist muscle EMG during sustained 30% MVC contractions in the induced high frequency only. Following the mental fatigue task, the coefficient of variation and standard deviation of the force signal decreased at 8-12 Hz induced tremor by 31.7% and 35.2% respectively, but not at 3-6 Hz induced tremor. Similarly, the maximum value and area underneath the peak in the power spectrum of the force signal decreased by 55.5% and 53.1% respectively in the 8-12 Hz range only. In conclusion, mental fatigue decreased mechanically induced 8-12 Hz tremor and had no effect on induced 3-6 Hz tremor. We suggest that the reduction could be attributed to the decreased activation of the agonist muscles.