For every free product decomposition G = G 1 * ... * G q * F r of a group of finite Kurosh rank G, where F r is a finitely generated free group, we can associate some (relative) outer space O. We study the asymmetry of the Lipschitz metric d R on the (relative) Outer space O. More specifically, we generalise the construction of Algom-Kfir and Bestvina, introducing an (asymmetric) Finsler norm · L that induces d R . Let's denote by Out(G, O) the outer automorphisms of G that preserve the set of conjugacy classes of G i 's. Then there is an Out(G, O)invariant function Ψ : O → R such that when · L is corrected by dΨ, the resulting norm is quasisymmetric. As an application, we prove that if we restrict d R to the -thick part of the relative Outer space for some > 0, is quasi-symmetric . Finally, we generalise for IWIP automorphisms of a free product a theorem of Handel and Mosher, which states that there is a uniform bound which depends only on the group, on the ratio of the relative expansion factors of any IWIP φ ∈ Out(F n ) and its inverse.