AbstractΔFosB‐like proteins are particularly stable transcription factors that accumulate in the brain in response to chronic perturbations. In this study we have compared the time‐course of striatal FosB/ΔFosB‐like immunoreactivity and prodynorphin mRNA expression after discontinuation of chronic cocaine treatment to intact rats and chronic L‐DOPA treatment to unilaterally 6‐hydroxydopamine (6‐OHDA) lesioned rats. The animals were killed between 3 h and 16 days after the last drug injection. In both treatment paradigms, the drug‐induced FosB/ΔFosB immunoreactivity remained significantly elevated in the caudate putamen even at the longest withdrawal period examined. The concomitant upregulation of prodynorphin mRNA, a target of ΔFosB, paralleled the time‐course of ΔFosB‐like immunoreactivity in the 6‐OHDA‐lesion/L‐DOPA model, but was more transient in animals treated with cocaine. These results suggest that ΔFosB‐like proteins have exceptional in vivo stability. In the dopamine‐denervated striatum, these proteins may exert sustained effects on the expression of their target genes long after discontinuation of L‐DOPA pharmacotherapy.