Abstract. The Bogomolov conjecture for a curve claims finiteness of algebraic points on the curve which are small with respect to the canonical height. Ullmo has established this conjecture over number fields, and Moriwaki generalized it to the assertion over finitely generated fields over Q with respect to arithmetic heights. As for the case of function fields with respect to the geometric heights, Cinkir has proved the conjecture over function fields of characteristic 0 and of transcendence degree 1. However, the conjecture has been open over other function fields.In this paper, we prove that the Bogomolov conjecture for curves holds over any function field. In fact, we show that any non-special closed subvariety of dimension 1 in an abelian variety over function fields has only a finite number of small points. This result is a consequence of the investigation of non-density of small points of closed subvarieties of abelian varieties of codimension 1. As a by-product, we remark that the geometric Bogomolov conjecture, which is a generalization of the Bogomolov conjecture for curves over function fields, holds for any abelian variety of dimension at most 3. Combining this result with our previous works, we see that the geometric Bogomolov conjecture holds for all abelian varieties for which the difference between its nowhere degeneracy rank and the dimension of its trace is not greater than 3.