We examine measure-theoretic properties of spaces constructed using the technique of Todorčević from [Tod00, Theorem 8.4]. We show that the existence of strictly positive measures on such spaces depends on combinatorial properties of certain families of slaloms. As a corollary we get that if add(N ) = non(M) then there is a non-separable space which supports a measure and which cannot be mapped continuously onto [0, 1] ω1 . Also, without any additional axioms we prove that there is a non-separable growth of ω supporting a measure and that there is a compactification L of ω with growth of such properties and such that the natural copy of c 0 is complemented in C(L). Finally, we discuss examples of spaces not supporting measures but satisfying quite strong chain conditions. Our main tool is a characterization due to Kamburelis ([Kam89]) of Boolean algebras supporting measures in terms of their chain conditions in generic extensions by a measure algebra.