Employing matrix product states as an ansatz, we study the non-thermal phase structure of the (1+1)-dimensional massive Thirring model in the sector of vanishing total fermion number with staggered regularization. In this paper, details of the implementation for this project are described. To depict the phase diagram of the model, we examine the entanglement entropy, the fermion bilinear condensate and two types of correlation functions. Our investigation shows the existence of two phases, with one of them being critical and the other gapped. An interesting feature of the phase structure is that the theory with non-zero fermion mass can be conformal. We also find clear numerical evidence that these phases are separated by a transition of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless type. Results presented in this paper establish the possibility of using the matrix product states for probing this type of phase transition in quantum field theories. They can provide information for further exploration of scaling behaviour, and serve as an important ingredient for controlling the continuum extrapolation of the model. arXiv:1908.04536v2 [hep-lat] 21 Aug 2019 1 A different TN approach, the tensor renormalization group method, in which one works with the partition function, has also been implemented for the investigation of several quantum field theories [63-71] and the formulation of quantum gravity [72].