We present an extensive analysis on several string solutions in AdS 5 × Y p,q and find some interesting properties of their energy-spin relations. Their energy depends always on the parameter a(p, q) which characterizes these manifolds. The range of this parameter for the string solutions is constrained by the Sasaki-Einstein constraints that the solutions should satisfy. Hence some string solutions we find are not valid for the whole class of Y p,q manifolds. For some of our solutions, when the maximum allowed value of a(p, q) corresponds to the string approaching the poles of the squashed sphere in Y p,q , their energy at this limit approaches the BPS one. Thus certain non-BPS string solutions in the whole class of Sasaki-Einstein manifolds, can become BPS in particular manifolds. For the solutions with this property we point out that this behavior is independent of the string motion in the other directions on the manifold. We expect that in the field theory the corresponding generic operators to these semi-classical strings, become BPS at certain quivers.