We prove strong completeness results for some modal logics with the universal modality, with respect to their topological semantics over 0-dimensional dense-inthemselves metric spaces. We also use failure of compactness to show that, for some languages and spaces, no standard modal deductive system is strongly complete.2. If X is the Cantor set, then in the language comprising [ =] and ✷, the system S4DT 1 S is strongly complete over X (corollary 5.12).3. If X is not homeomorphic to the Cantor set, then in the language comprising ∀ and [d], the system KD4U is strongly complete over X (corollary 4.8).The definitions of S4U, KD4U, and S4DT 1 S are not needed here. They can be found in, e.g., [11, §8.1] and [12], and [14, §2] for S4DT 1 S. We will use the completeness results from [10] and [14]. We lift them to strong completeness by methods similar to those of [13] for non-compact spaces, and first-order compactness for the Cantor set. Limitative results will also be given:4. Let X be a dense-in-itself metric space. In any language able to express ∀ and the tangle operators (or the mu-calculus), no modal deductive system is sound and strongly complete over X (corollary 3.2).5. Let X be an infinite compact T1 topological space. In any language able to express ∀ and [d], no modal deductive system is sound and strongly complete over X (theorem 5.1).So for the language comprising ∀ and [d], KD4U is sound and complete over every 0dimensional dense-in-itself metric space X (by the discussion following [10, theorem 8.4]), but by (3) and (5), it is strongly complete only when X is not compact. Over the Cantor set, no modal deductive system for this language is strongly complete.