Based on dynamical mean-field theory with a continuous-time quantum Monte-Carlo impurity solver, static as well as dynamic spin and charge susceptibilites for the phase diagram of the sodium cobaltate system NaxCoO2 are discussed. The approach includes important vertex contributions to the q-dependent two-particle response functions by means of a local approximation to the irreducible vertex function in the particle-hole channel. A single-band Hubbard model suffices to reveal several charge-and spin-instability tendencies in accordance with experiment, including the stabilization of an effective kagomé sublattice close to x=0.67, without invoking the doping-dependent Na-potential landscape. The in-plane antiferromagnetic-to-ferromagnetic crossover is additionally verified by means of the computed Korringa ratio. Moreover an intricate high-energy mode in the transverse spin susceptiblity is revealed, pointing towards a strong energy dependence of the effective intersite exchange.PACS numbers: 71.27.+a, 71.30.+h, 71.10.Fd, 75.30.Cr The investigation of finite-temperature phase diagrams of realistic strongly correlated systems is a quite formidable task due to the often tight competition between various low-energy ordering instabilities. In this respect the quasi-twodimensional (2D) sodium cobaltate system Na x CoO 2 serves as a notably challenging case [1,2]. Here x∈[0,1] nominally mediates between the Co 4+ (3d 5 , S=1/2) and Co 3+ (3d 6 , S=0) low-spin states. Thus the Na ions provide the electron doping for the nearly filled t 2g states of the triangular CoO 2 layers up to the band-insulating limit x=1. Coulomb correlations with a Hubbard U up to 5 eV for the t 2g manifold of bandwidth W ∼1.5 eV [3] are revealed from photoemission [4]. Hence with U /W 1 the frustrated metallic system is definitely placed in the strongly correlated regime.Various different electronic phases and regions for temperature T vs. doping x are displayed in the experimental sodium cobaltate phase diagram (see Fig. 1). For instance a superconducting dome (T c ∼4.5K) stabilized by intercalation with water close to x=0. Several theoretical works have dealt with the influence of the sodium arrangements on the electronic properties of Na x CoO 2 , both from the viewpoint of disordered sodium ions [12] as well as from orderings for certain dopings. [14][15][16] However, wether such sodium patterns are due to sole (effective) single-particle potentials or mainly originating from many-body effects within the CoO 2 planes is still a matter of debate [17,18].In this letter, we report the fact that a large part of the electronic (spin and charge) phase diagram of sodium cobaltate may be well described within a Hubbard model using realistic dispersions, and without invoking the details of the sodium arrangement. Thereby most of the observed crossovers and instabilities are truly driven by strong correlation effects and cannot be described within weak-coupling scenarios. The theoretical study is elucidating the two-particle correlations in the pa...