. According to Goldstone's theorem, phase transitions that break continuous symmetries lead to the existence of gapless excitations in the long-wavelength limit 5 . These Goldstone modes can become the dominant low-energy excitation, showing that symmetry breaking has a profound impact on the physical properties of matter. Here, we present a comprehensive study of the elementary excitations in a homogeneous strongly interacting Fermi gas through the crossover from a Bardeen-Cooper-Schrie er (BCS) superfluid to a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) of molecules using two-photon Bragg spectroscopy. The spectra exhibit a discrete Goldstone mode, associated with the broken-symmetry superfluid phase, as well as pair-breaking single-particle excitations. Our techniques yield a direct determination of the superfluid pairing gap and speed of sound in close agreement with strong-coupling theories.When a Hamiltonian is invariant with respect to a continuous symmetry, but the ground state is not, a massless bosonic mode appears in the spectrum of allowed excitations 5 . At temperatures low enough for quantum effects to become prominent, dynamical behaviours, such as superconductivity and superfluidity, are possible only due to the low-energy excitation spectrum. Superfluid and superconducting states break gauge invariance and the resultant Goldstone mode is an oscillation of the phase of the order parameter giving rise to a collective motion of particles that is distinct from single-particle excitations. In superconductors, the Coulomb interaction lifts the collective mode up to the frequency of the classical plasma oscillation 4 , present in the normal phase, such that the Goldstone mode is generally imperceptible 6 . In neutral superfluids, however, the Goldstone mode takes the form of a gapless phonon 7 and provides a dramatic signature of macroscopic order.Ultracold gases of atomic fermions have enabled the creation and study of high-transition-temperature superfluids in the smooth crossover from the BCS to BEC regimes 8 . Both first-sound 9-11 and second-sound 10 propagation have been observed in inhomogeneous Fermi gases, yet the basic elementary excitation spectrum has not been measured. Here, we present a comprehensive study of the low-temperature excitations in a homogeneous Fermi superfluid throughout the whole BCS-BEC crossover. The spectra exhibit both a dominant Goldstone mode, or Bogoliubov-Anderson (BA) phonon, and a single-particle continuum. Our study reveals how the energy and spectral weight of these excitations evolve as a function of the interaction strength. We develop a theory based on the quasiparticle random-phase approximation (QRPA), which provides a good quantitative description of the data.The starting point for our experiments is a harmonically trapped gas of fermionic 6 Li atoms in a balanced mixture of the lowest two hyperfine states with tunable s-wave interactions near a broad Feshbach resonance (see Supplementary Information). Atoms are cooled to temperatures below the superfluid transition te...