Abstract. We discuss the flavor asymmetry of the nucleon sea and the spin content of the proton in an unquenched quark model. It is shown that the inclusion of hadron loops leads automatically to an excess ofd overū and introduces a sizeable contribution of orbital angular momentum to the spin of the proton and the Λ hyperon. Special attention is paid to the symmetries of the unquenched quark model.
IntroductionOne of the challenges of hadronic physics is to understand the structure of the nucleon and its excited states in terms of effective degrees of freedom and, at a more fundamental level, the emergence of these effective degrees of freedom from QCD, the underlying theory of quarks and gluons [1]. The constituent quark model (CQM) is an effective model that has been very successful in explaining hadron properties in terms of system of constituent quarks and antiquarks, qqq for baryons and qq for mesons. Nevertheless, there is compelling evidence for the existence of exotic degrees of freedom (other than valence quarks) in hadrons, in particular for the need to include the effects of quark-antiquark pair creation. The importance of quarkantiquark configurations (or higher Fock components in baryon wave functions) is evident from measurements of thed/ū asymmetry in the nucleon sea [2], parity-violating electron scattering experiments [3,4], the proton spin crisis [5], as well as analysis of helicity amplitudes [6] and strong couplings of baryon resonances [7,8].The aim of this contribution is to study the flavor asymmetry and the spin of the proton in an unquenched quark model in which the effects of quark-antiquark pair creation (uū, dd and ss) are taken into account in an explicit form via a 3 P 0 coupling mechanism [9]. In addition, we show some predictions for the other octet baryons.