In this Letter, we propose a new method to characterize the temporal structure of arbitrary optical laser pulses with low pulse energies. This approach is based on strong field photoelectron holography with the glory rescattering effect as the underlying mechanism in the near-forward direction. Utilizing the subfemtosecond glory rescattering process as a fast temporal gate to sample the unknown light pulse, the time-dependent vectorial electric field can be retrieved from the streaking photoelectron momentum spectra. Our method avoids the challenging task of generation or manipulation of attosecond pulses and signifies important progress in arbitrary optical waveform characterization. PACS numbers: 32.80.Rm, 32.80.Fb, 42.40.Kw Probing or manipulation of ultrafast electron dynamics on a subfemtosecond(≤ 10 −15 s) or attosecond(∼ 10 −18 s) timescale necessitates ultrashort laser pulses lasting only a few or near-single optical cycles with controllable waveforms [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]. Developments in frequency comb technology combined with pulse-shaping methods have allowed arbitrary electromagnetic waveforms to be synthesized at optical frequencies [8][9][10][11][12][13]. Knowledge of the temporal structure of these light pulses is a prerequisite for subsequent applications. Traditional characterization techniques, such as frequency-resolved optical gating(FROG), spectral phase interferometry for direct electric field reconstruction(SPIDER) or dispersion scan(dscan), have been used to measure the spectral/temporal amplitude/phase or dispersion/chirp of short pulses [14][15][16]. However, the phase-matching problem of nonlinear crystals and the deficiency in determining the absolute phase(carrier-envelope phase, CEP) both limit their applicability. Instead, direct access to the time-domain electric field E L (t) requires a fast nonlinear response that is significantly shorter than an optical cycle [17,18].Advancements in strong field physics have provided such ultrashort temporal gates. One widely used technique is attosecond streak camera [19][20][21][22]: isolated attosecond extreme ultraviolet(XUV) pulses generated by higher-order harmonic generation(HHG) processes are used to ionize atoms [23][24][25][26][27][28]. The ejected photoelectrons are then streaked to different final energies by the test laser field whose waveform is to be measured. The temporal structure of both the test laser and the attosecond XUV pulse can be accurately reconstructed from the streaking photoelectron spectra [29,30]. Two other alloptical characterization methods, petahertz optical oscilloscope and attosecond spatial interferometry, both utilize the subfemtosecond tunneling-recombination process during HHG generation as the temporal gate to sample the test optical laser field [31,32].Although these recent characterization techniques yield good performance, their requirement of generation or manipulation of broadband isolated attosecond XUV pulses is still very challenging to meet [33][34][35]. In this Letter, we propose a new meth...