DOI: 10.1103/physrevd.96.114012
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Strong magnetic fields in nonlocal chiral quark models

Abstract: We study the behavior of strongly interacting matter under a uniform intense external magnetic field in the context of nonlocal extensions of the Polyakov-Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. A detailed description of the formalism is presented, considering the cases of zero and finite temperature. In particular, we analyze the effect of the magnetic field on the chiral restoration and deconfinement transitions, which are found to occur at approximately the same critical temperatures. Our results show that these models o… Show more

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Cited by 24 publications
(55 citation statements)
References 83 publications
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“…The basic theoretical formalism required for the study of nlNJL models in the presence of a uniform static magnetic field B has been introduced in Refs. [29,30], where both zero and finite temperature cases have been considered. Noticeably, in these articles it is shown that nlNJL models naturally allow to reproduce the effect of inverse magnetic catalysis (IMC) observed from LQCD results-that is, the fact that the chiral restoration critical temperature turns out to be a decreasing function of B.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…The basic theoretical formalism required for the study of nlNJL models in the presence of a uniform static magnetic field B has been introduced in Refs. [29,30], where both zero and finite temperature cases have been considered. Noticeably, in these articles it is shown that nlNJL models naturally allow to reproduce the effect of inverse magnetic catalysis (IMC) observed from LQCD results-that is, the fact that the chiral restoration critical temperature turns out to be a decreasing function of B.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Our calculations are based on the formalism developed in Refs. [29,30], which makes use of Ritus eigenfunctions [38]. From this analysis it is also immediate to obtain an equation for the σ scalar meson mass.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The aim of this contribution is to present the results of some recent analyses [9,10] of the behavior of strongly interacting matter under a uniform, static magnetic field in the framework of nonlocal chiral quark models. We will show that nonlocal models are able to describe, at the mean field level, not only the IMC effect but also the entanglement between chiral restoration and deconfinement transition temperatures when a coupling to the Polyakov loop is incorporated.…”
confidence: 99%
“…Asimismo, a partir de la expresión en (5.14), se pueden obtener los propagadores de quark en MFA. Los detalles de este cálculo están dados en el Apéndice E. En el espacio de coordenadas obtenemos [91] S…”
Section: Formalismo En La Aproximación De Campo Mediounclassified
“…3 la integral en el condensando quiral resulta ser divergente y es por eso necesario regularizarlo. Siguiendo la misma prescripción se defineÜq f q f Ý reg B = Üq f q f Ý ¡ Üq f q f Ý f ree + Üq f q f Ý reg MODELO NJL NO LOCAL EN PRESENCIA DE CAMPO MAGNÉTICOPor contribución "libre" se entiende aquí al condensado en ausencia de el acoplamiento efectivo de cuatro fermiones, pero manteniendo la interacción con el campo magnético.Esta contribución puede regularizarse obteniendo[50,91,104]…”