<p>[…] Recently, an INGV working group developed the first version of a web portal with the aim of archiving, processing and distributing accelerometric data recorded by permanent and temporary INGV stations. This web portal (www.mi.ingv.it/ISMD/) is composed of two main modules: the former is known as the INGV Strong Motion Data (ISMD, www.mi.ingv.it/ISMD/ismd.html/) and has as its main scope the analyse and distribution in quasi-real time (a few hours after event occurrence) of the uncorrected accelerometric data, and the related metadata obtained after an automatic processing procedure. This latter, known as the Dynamic Archive (DYNA, http://dyna.mi.ingv.it/DYNA-archive/) is a dynamic database where manually post-processed accelerometric waveforms are provided, together with their metadata. Both of these archives are designed and structured in such a way that their compilations and updating will be almost completely automatic. At the end of May 2012, a first prototype of the ISMD module was published, providing the uncorrected strong-motion data recorded by the INGV stations for the main events of the Emilia seismic sequence. […]</p>