The first observation of a significant rise of core electron temperature in response to edge cooling in a helical plasma has been made on the Large Helical Device ͓O. Motojima et al., Phys. Plasmas 6, 1843 ͑1999͔͒. When the phenomenon occurs, the electron heat diffusivity in the core region is reduced abruptly without changing local parameters in the region of interest. Therefore the phenomenon can be regarded as a so-called "nonlocal" electron temperature rise observed so far only in many tokamaks. © 2005 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.2131047͔The clarification of electron heat transport in magnetically confined plasmas is still an important issue, since the performance of a probable fusion reactor should be determined by electron heating as a result of the interaction between electrons and alpha particles as a fusion reaction product. In order to promote a better understanding of the electron heat transport, the electron heat transport analysis for both transient and steady state has been carried out diligently in many tokamaks 1-3 and helical systems. [4][5][6] One of the significant issues found in these studies is a "nonlocal transport phenomenon" observed in perturbation experiments on many tokamaks 7-12 and a few helical systems. 4 In particular, a rise of the core electron temperature T e invoked by the rapid cooling of the edge plasma has been observed in various tokamaks with both ohmically heated plasmas and plasmas with an auxiliary heating, such as electron cyclotron heating ͑ECH͒, at a sufficiently low density ͑e.g., Ref. 13͒. The amplitude reversal of the cold pulse propagation in the core plasma cannot be explained even by the model based on the assumption that heat flux has a strong nonlinear dependence on temperature and its gradient. In addition there seem to be no changes in the thermodynamic forces, such as those due to the temperature gradient and/or the density gradient, in the core plasma at the onset of the core T e rise. Consequently, the core T e rise invoked by the edge cooling is considered to result from a nonlocality in the electron heat transport. On the contrary, such a core T e rise in response to the edge cooling has not been observed so far in helical systems.14 Recently, to rationalize the so-called "nonlocal" T e rise, some physics-based transport models including a critical gradient scale length, such as the ion temperature gradient ͑ITG͒ model, have been set up and tested.2,15 It should be noted that despite being dependent on local variables, the ITG-based model shows a nonlocal response to small changes in the profiles as a result of a slight deviation from near marginality. The ITG-based model with strongest stiffness 16 can reproduce some of the same qualitative characteristics observed in carbon laser blow-off experiments in the Texas Experimental Tokamak ͑TEXT͒.13 The magnitude and response time of the core T e rise, however, are still in quantitative disagreement with those predicted by the strongest stiff ITG-based model. 15 Moreover, it is an open ...