Abstract. Compared with lattice QCD, isospin breaking of heavy-meson decay constants from QCD sum rules agrees for D mesons but disagrees (by a factor of four) for B mesons.1 Decay constants of heavy-light mesons from QCD sum-rule perspective QCD sum rules [1] constitute analytic relationships between the experimentally measurable properties of hadrons, on the one hand, and the fundamental parameters of the underlying quantum field theory of the strong interactions, quantum chromodynamics (QCD), on the other hand. They therefore represent a standard (occasionally perhaps indispensable) theoretical tool of hadron physics. Some time ago, we embarked on thorough investigations of both the accuracy and precision actually achievable by and the systematic uncertainties inherent to the formalism of QCD sum rules [2][3][4][5][6]. As a consequence of these studies, we proposed a somewhat modified algorithm that provides estimates of intrinsic errors [7][8][9][10][11]. With this improvement at our disposal, we revisited QCD sum-rule extractions of a variety of hadronic observables, particularly of the leptonic decay constants of the heavy-light mesons [12][13][14][15][16], which led us to the conclusion [17][18][19][20][21] that, in the bottom-meson system, the decay constants of the pseudoscalar mesons exceed those of their vector counterparts, as has been confirmed thereafter in lattice QCD [22].For pseudoscalar (P q ) and vector (V q ) mesons H q ≡ P q , V q , of mass M H q , built up by a heavy quark Q = c, b and a light quark q = u, d of masses m Q and m q , respectively, the decay constants, f H q , of these mesons [with momentum p and, in the case of vector mesons, polarization vector ε µ (p)] are defined, in terms of suitable, interpolating heavy-light axial-vector (A) and vector (V) quark-current operators, byOur actual aim [23,24]