Many important properties of crystals are the result of the local defects. However, when one address directly the problem of a crystal with a local defect one must consider a very large system despite the fact that only a small part of it is really essential. This part is responsible for the properties one is interested in. By extracting this part from the crystal one obtains a so-called cluster. At the same time, properties of a single cluster can deviate significantly from properties of the same cluster embedded in crystal. In many cases, a single cluster can even be unstable. To bring the state of the extracted cluster to that of the cluster in the crystal one must apply a so-called embedding potential to the cluster. This article discusses a case study of embedding for ion-covalent crystals. In the case considered, the embedding potential has two qualitatively different components, a long-range (Coulomb), and a short-range. Different methods should be used to generate different components. A number of approximations are used in the method of generating an embedding potential. Most of these approximations are imposed to make the equations and their derivation simple and these approximations can be easily lifted. Besides, the one-determinant approximation for the wave function is used. This is a reasonably good approximation for ion-covalent systems with closed shells, which simplifies the problem considerably and makes it tractable. All employed approximations are explicitly stated and discussed. Every component of generation methods is described in details. The proofs of used statements are provided in a relevant appendix. V C 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
DOI: 10.1002/qua.25041Introduction An immediate solution of the Schroedinger equation for a real crystal is impossible due to an enormous number of particles in the system and a complicated system structure. However, a real crystal consists of similar, almost identical, repeating parts. Therefore, one can substitute a real crystal with its model as an infinite system with translational symmetry. This model is usually referred to as a perfect crystal. The first methods which were applied to a perfect crystal problem are: the WignerSeitz cell method, [1,2] the tight-binding method, [3,4] the orthogonalized plane wave method, [5] the augmented plane wave method, [6] the Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker method [7,8] and their modifications. There are, at present, a wide variety of methods that can be used to calculate the perfect crystals properties. However, many technologically important crystal properties are the result of crystal defects and impurities. These defects and impurities break down the perfect crystal translational symmetry. Many of these defects are local and their properties are determined by a comparatively small region of the crystal. Although the actual region is small, it is still part of the large system. There are two general approaches to this problem. One of them uses the well-developed methods of band structure calculations. The system is accord...