A subset of the Cantor cube is null-additive if its algebraic sum with any null set is null. We construct a set of cardinality continuum such that: all continuous images of the set into the Cantor cube are null-additive, it contains a homeomorphic copy of a set that is not null-additive, and it has the property γ, a strong combinatorial covering property. We also construct a nontrivial subset of the Cantor cube with the property γ that is not null additive. Set-theoretic assumptions used in our constructions are far milder than used earlier by Galvin-Miller and Bartoszy ński-Recław, to obtain sets with analogous properties. We also consider products of Sierpi ński sets in the context of combinatorial covering properties. §1. Introduction. Let N be the set of natural numbers and P(N) be the power set of N. We identify each set in P(N) with its characteristic function, an element of the Cantor cube {0, 1} N ; in that way we introduce topology in P(N). The Cantor space P(N) with the symmetric difference operation ⊕ is a topological group; this operation coincides with the addition modulo 2 in {0, 1}In an analogous way, define null-additive subsets of the real line with the addition + as a group operation. As we see in the forthcoming Theorem 2.2, it is relatively consistent with ZFC that null-additive subsets of P(N) are not preserved by homeomorphisms into P(N). Subsets of the real line whose all continuous images into the real line are null-additive were considered by Galvin and Miller [3]; to this end they used combinatorial covering properties.By space we mean a Tychonoff topological space. A cover of a space is a family of proper subsets of the space whose union is the entire space. An open cover of a space is a cover whose members are open subsets of the space. A cover of a space is an -cover if each finite subset of the space is contained in a set from the cover and it is a γ-cover if it is infinite and each point of the space belongs to all but finitely many sets from the cover. A space has the property γ if every open -cover of the space contains a γ-cover. This property was introduced by Gerlits and Nagy in the context of local properties of functions spaces [4]. They proved that a space X has the property γ if and only if the space C p (X ) of all continuous real-valued functions defined on X with the pointwise convergence topology is Fréchet-Urysohn, i.e., each point in the closure of a subset of C p (X ) is a limit of a sequence from the set [4, Theorem 2]. Galvin and Miller observed that for a subset of the real line X with the property γ and a meager subset of the real line Y, the set