Theoretical expressions for thermodynamic parameters of the chemical reaction processes of ionic hydration in seawater are obtained by using the kinetic model of hydrated water molecules around ions in liquid water. Assuming the additivity law between the instantaneous (2) thermodynamic quantities of electrolytes in seawater and that of the remaining nonhydrated water (i.e., free water), we split the relaxational (r) quantity of seawater from the equilibrium one (0) by subtracting the • value. The quantity (OT/OP)s.o, wh!ch may be related to potential temperature, can be divided into instantaneous and relaxation, respectively. The relaxational quantity (OT/OP)s.r always becomes negative, while the instantaneous one (OT/OP)s.• is always positive. Both absolute values of (OT/OP)s for r and • decrease with increasing salinity and temperature, respectively. This fact is illustrated in terms of the ionic hydration. INTRODUCTION Within the last 20 years, extensive efforts have been made to measure the physical properties of seawater, such as electroconductivity, vapor pressure, specific heat, density, salinity, isobaric expansibility, isothermal compressibility, sound velocity, sound absorption, dielectric relaxation constant, diffusion coefficient, viscosity, etc. The results of these physical quantities of seawater have been •'eviewed by $verdrup et al. [ 1942], Defant [ 1961 ], Sillen [ 1961 ], Fofnoff [1962], Cox [1965], Horne [1969], Riley and Chester [1971], and Park [ 1971]. Reviews of the thermodynamics and transported processes of'seawater are given by both Horne and Park. The ultrasoni c [Stuehr and Yeager, 1965] and dielectic [Hasted, 1973] measurements of seawater or electrolyte aqueous solutions are very useful in elucidating the relaxation mechanisms caused by ions in liquid wate,r. The measurement of Sound absorption Of seawater is a useful means Of studying the chemical reaction processes of ions in seawater. The processes responsible for the excess sound absorption of seawater are due to MgSO4 [Leonard et a!., 1949; Eigen and Tatum, 1962], present only to the extent of ca. 1.6 g/l in seawater; H3BO3 [Yeager eta!., 1973; Mellen eta!., 1980a, b, 1981a] with ca. 0.027 g/l; the ionic pairs resulting from their salts (MgB(OH)4 + ion pair [Mellen et al. 1981b]; and metal bicarbonate and carbonate ion pairs (MgHCO• + ion pair and MgCO3 [Me !len et al., |980a, b]). The relaxation phenomena for these substances are acoustically studied by the theory and experiment. In addition, another chemical reaction process caused by the hydrated water molecules around an ion should be predictable from the state of an ion in liquid water. The relaxation time of the hydration of the ion cannot be determined from the sound absorption because Of the very high relaxation frequency (ca. 10 GHz at room temperature). Thus it is very difficult to find the relaxational thermodynamic quantities of seawater o•ver the entire range of frequency because we do not have an acoustic source to cover the whole frequency range. A major difficu...