Compounds. -The compounds Zr 6 MX 2 (M: Fe, Co; X: Sb, Sn) are synthesized by arc melting of the elements followed by annealing between 800 and 850°C for 2-5 weeks. The samples are characterized by XRD, neutron diffraction, and 57 Fe Moessbauer spectroscopy. Zr6FeSb2 crystallizes in the space group P62m. The hyperfine parameter distributions in the Moessbauer spectra of the compounds reflect the ability to form pure phases. -(COSTA*, B. F. O.; GRENECHE, J. M.; FRUCHART, D.; ALBERTO, H. V.; SKRYABINA, N. E.; ROMAKA, L. P.; STADNYK, Y. V.; J. Alloys Compd. 438 (2007) 1-2, 88-91; Dep. Fis., Univ. Coimbra, P-3004 Coimbra, Port.; Eng.) -W. Pewestorf 32-012