Structural characterization of lipo-oligosaccharide (LOS) fromYersinia pestis: regulation of LOS structure by the PhoPQ system to alter LOS structure may be required for survival of Y. pestis within the mammalian and/or flea host.
IntroductionYersinia pestis, the aetiological agent of bubonic plague, is a member of the Enterobacteriaceae, its closest relative being the enteropathogen Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, from which it has probably evolved (Achtman et al., 1999). Plague is primarily a disease of rodents with enzootic foci throughout the world (Perry and Fetherston, 1997). Humans are accidental hosts, with transmission usually occurring through the bite of an infected flea (Gage, 1998). Upon injection into a new host, many of the bacilli are phagocytosed by polymorphonuclear leukocytes or macrophages. Bacteria within the polymorphonuclear leukocytes are killed, whereas those within macrophages are carried to the regional lymph nodes draining the site of infection (Perry and Fetherston, 1997). Multiplication in the lymph node gives rise to a bubo, the classical symptom of infection, followed by dissemination to produce a bacteraemia. If the infection progresses to involve the lungs, pneumonic plague develops (Perry and Fetherston, 1997). Pneumonic plague is highly infectious and rapidly fatal and is thus of great public health concern.From the infected rodent reservoir, through the flea vector and the mammalian intracellular and extracellular phases of infection, Y. pestis encounters diverse and hostile environments. Bacteria closely regulate the expression of their genes in response to environmental conditions to optimize survival. They must be able to monitor specific environmental parameters and modulate gene expression appropriately. This regulation is frequently controlled at the transcriptional level by a twin superfamily of sensor and regulator proteins (Hoch and Silhavy, 1995). One of these two-component regulatory systems, the PhoPQ system, has been identified in Y. pestis (Oyston et al., 2000). The PhoPQ two-component signal transduction system has been studied most closely in Salmonella enterica var Typhimurium (Groisman, 2001). In Salmonella, PhoQ monitors extracellular Mg 2+ levels (Garcia-Vescovi et al., 1996) and activates PhoP to control the expression of over 40 proteins, including some required for virulence (Miller et al., 1989
SummaryThe two-component regulatory system PhoPQ has been shown to regulate the expression of virulence factors in a number of bacterial species. For one such virulence factor, lipopolysaccharide (LPS), the PhoPQ system has been shown to regulate structural modifications in Salmonella enterica var Typhimurium. In Yersinia pestis, which expresses lipooligosaccharide (LOS), a PhoPQ regulatory system has been identified and an isogenic mutant constructed. To investigate potential modifications to LOS from Y. pestis, which to date has not been fully characterized, purified LOS from wild-type plague and the phoP defective mutant were analysed by mass spectrometry. Here...