Immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy were used to monitor the positioning of microtubuleorganizing centers (MTOCs) during directional migration of chicken embryo fibroblasts on planar substrata and within three-dimensional collagen gels. Homologous assay conditions based on the radial emigration of cells from cell aggregates were used in both cases. Whereas =70% of the cells migrating directionally on glass and at least 60% on other planar substrata have their MTOCs anterior to the nucleus, MTOCs are randomly distributed around the nucleus in cells within collagen gels. The anterior location of the MTOC in cells on glass is attained gradually during the first 4 hr of directional migration. Cells on oriented planar substrata, manufactured by photolithographic etching of narrow parallel grooves into the glass surface, also have a random position of the MTOC, although the cells themselves assume a highly polarized cell shape parallel to the grooves. This environment mimics the partial orientation of the collagen fibers produced by the tractive forces of the cells within collagen networks. These findings demonstrate a difference in MTOC positioning between Jibroblasts on planar substrata and within a quasinatural environment.Microtubules play important roles in the life of a eukaryotic cell. Originating from the centrosome, the cell's microtubuleorganizing center (MTOC), they are involved in cell division, intracellular transport, the development and maintenance of cell asymmetry, and cell migration (1). An involvement in the expression of a locomotory phenotype is revealed in the experimental observation that microtubule depolymerization impairs cell locomotion (e.g., see refs. 2 and 3), and the morphological finding that, in certain migrating cells, the MTOC is located ahead of the nucleus and behind the advancing lamellipodium (4-6). This intriguing correlation was interpreted to mean that MTOC reorientation to the front of the cell not only accompanies the onset of cell migration but actually "may play a role in determining the direction of cell movement" (ref. 4; for reviews, see refs. 7-9).Fibroblasts cultured on glass or plastic substrata have served as important models for some of these studies (3,5,10). However, the advantage of two-dimensional surfaces for microscopic observation is counterbalanced by the disadvantage that these conditions are clearly unrepresentative of a fibroblast's natural environment, a three-dimensional collagen network (11, 12). Observations on fibroblasts in hydrated collagen gels in vitro and in situ demonstrate a number of differences in morphology and behavior from their counterparts on planar substrata (e.g., see refs. 11, and 13-17). It would seem important to ascertain that findings on cells cultured on planar substrata apply to cells in a more natural environment as well, particularly with respect to the question of MTOC positioning during cell migration.We have used a convenient assay for determining directional migration of large numbers of cells that does no...