Water is critical for the structure, stability, and functions of macromolecules. Diffraction and NMR studies have revealed structure and dynamics of bound waters at atomic resolution. However, localizing the sites and measuring the dynamics of bound waters, particularly on timescales relevant to catalysis and macromolecular assembly, is quite challenging. Here we demonstrate two techniques: first, temperature-dependent radiolytic hydroxyl radical labeling with a mass spectrometry (MS)-based readout to identify sites of bulk and bound water interactions with surface and internal residue side chains, and second, H 2 18 O radiolytic exchange coupled MS to measure the millisecond dynamics of bound water interactions with various internal residue side chains. Through an application of the methods to cytochrome c and ubiquitin, we identify sites of water binding and measure the millisecond dynamics of bound waters in protein crevices. As these MS-based techniques are very sensitive and not protein size limited, they promise to provide unique insights into protein-water interactions and water dynamics for both small and large proteins and their complexes.protein structure | footprinting | time resolved | covalent labeling W ater plays an important role in protein structure, folding, and stability (1-9). For proteins in solution, we broadly categorize water into three different types: bulk or free water, water that interacts with the protein surface, and internal water molecules (10, 11). Bulk water has no interactions with the protein. As bulk waters approach the protein surface, water diffusion rates are slowed and water concentration is elevated due to interactions with protein surface residues (12-14). Waters can also provide important elements of the internal protein structure. Atomic resolution details of water structure and dynamics are explored by X-ray and neutron diffraction and NMR studies and reveal water molecules co-localized with strategically placed polar or charged amino acid groups that are highly conserved (1-5). Water dynamics explored using high-field NMR, such as nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) and magnetic relaxation dispersion (MRD) methodologies, can indirectly calculate residence times of internal waters in proteins; these residence times range from subnanoseconds to milliseconds depending on the interaction of the water molecules in question (15-21). However, experimental approaches that can reveal specific sites of water binding to the protein surface and the interior as well as the dynamics of surface and internal waters are limited. Direct measures of both sites of water occupancy and water dynamics in solution could address a wide range of questions related to the role of water in mediating protein interactions with ligands and in assembly of protein complexes.Structural mass spectrometry (MS) approaches can probe the interactions of bulk water and the hydration layer with protein structure and provide specific information on backbone and sidechain interactions with water (22-24). Hydroxyl...