Recent computer simulations of the cysteine nucleophilic attack on propanal in human mitochondrial Aldehyde Dehydrogenase (ALDH2) yielded an unexpected result; the chemically reasonable formation of a dead-end cysteine-cofactor adduct when NAD+ was in the "hydride transfer" position. More recently, this adduct found independent crystallographic support in work on formyltetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase, work which further found evidence of the same adduct on re-examination of deposited electron densities of ALDH2. Although the experimental data showed this adduct was reversible, several mechanistic questions arise from the fact that it forms at all. Here, we present results from further Quantum Mechanical/Molecular Mechanical (QM/MM) simulations toward understanding the mechanistic implications of adduct formation. These simulations revealed that formation of the oxyanion thiohemiacetal intermediate only when the nicotinamide ring of NAD + is oriented away from the active site, contrary to prior arguments. In contrast, and in seeming paradox, when NAD is oriented to receive the hydride, disassociation of the oxyanion intermediate to form the dead-end adduct is more thermodynamically-favored than maintaining the oxyanion intermediate necessary for catalysis to proceed. However, this disassociation to the adduct could be avoided through proton transfer from the enzyme to the intermediate. Our results continue to indicate that the unlikely source of this proton is the Cys302 main chain amide.The overall mechanism of aldehyde dehydrogenase (E.C. shown in Figure 1 involves 1) nucleophilic attack on the aldehyde to form a thiohemiacetal intermediate from which 2) the hydride is transferred to NAD+, to yield NADH and the thioester which 3) hydrolyses to yield the product carboxylic acid followed by 4) release of the cofactor. Specific atomic level details about each of these steps have been obtained from x-ray crystallography and NMR. The side chain of the conserved Asn169 (ALDH2 numbering) and the main chain amide of Cys302 are positioned to form hydrogen bonds to a negatively charged thiohemiacetal intermediate structure. This configuration is often called the "oxyanion hole".In the human mitochondrial ALDH2 structure (1), the Asn169 Nδ-to-crotonaldehyde carbonyl oxygen is 4.1 Å while the main chain amide nitrogen of Cys302 is 3.8 Å away. Three *To whom correspondence should be addressed: Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center 300 S. Craig Street Pittsburgh, PA 15213 e-mail: Phone: 412−268−4960 FAX: 412−268−8200. Supporting Information Available Coordinates of optimized product structures presented in Figure 3 are given in XYZ format. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at
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Author ManuscriptBiochemistry. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2008 September 5. . The other NAD+ conformation shows the nicotinamide more removed from the active site and is likely the position of the coenzyme during thioester hydrolysis. In this conformation,...