With a combined ab initio density functional and model Hamiltonian approach we establish that in the recently discovered multiferroic phase of the manganite Sr 1/2 Ba 1/2 MnO3 the polar distortion of Mn and O ions is stabilized via enhanced in-plane Mn-O hybridizations. The magnetic superexchange interaction is very sensitive to the polar bond-bending distortion, and we find that this dependence directly causes a strong magnetoelectric coupling. This novel mechanism for multiferroicity is consistent with the experimentally observed reduced ferroelectric polarization upon the onset of magnetic ordering.
PACS numbers:Multiferroic materials are ideal candidates for the realization and practical use of strong magnetoelectric effects [1,2]. The scarcity of actual materials that are magnetic ferroelectrics appears to be related to the competition between the conventional mechanism of ferroelectric cation off-centering, which requires empty d-orbitals, and the formation of magnetic moments which requires partially filled d-orbitals [1,2]. A concomitance of magnetism and ferroelectricity then has to rely on more subtle microscopic coupling mechanisms, driven by spinorbit coupling in the form of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions [3] or exchange-striction [4]. The recently synthesized manganite Sr 1/2 Ba 1/2 MnO 3 however defeats the generic incompatibility of a cation both having a magnetic moment and being ferroelectrically displaced. This system is a classic example of a material in which charge, spin, lattice and orbital degrees of freedom are strongly coupled, giving in this particular case rise to a strong magnetoelectric (ME) effect, the origin of which we set out to clarify here.For doing so, the methods from modern ab initio bandstructure theory are powerfull tools -very helpful not only in predicting new multiferroic materials, but also in understanding the underlying mechanisms for magnetoelectric couplings. The computed values of macroscopic polarization P agree exceptionally well with those observed experimentally [5][6][7][8][9][10]. In the last few years several ab initio calculations have pointed out the possible ferroelectric state with large polarization for AMnO 3 , where A is an alkaline earth element. The proposed mechanism is based on off-centering of Mn 4+ ions stabilized via a charge-lattice coupling of Peierls type [11][12][13]. The problems in synthesizing such a material with predicted ferroelectricity has very recently been overcome: last year Sr 1/2 Ba 1/2 MnO 3 (SBMO) has been reported to support a ferroelectric phase via the off-centering of magnetic Mn 4+ ion in conjunction with a perovskite tetragonal structure [14]. The onset of the low-temperature long-range antiferromagnetic (AFM) ordering strongly reduces the polarization indicating a large magnetoelectric effect [14]. The AFM order, in other words, does not support ferroelectricity, but it neither completely destroys it. This special feature of SBMO opens a new avenue for the quest of materials with strong ME effects, where the searc...