DOI: 10.1007/s10969-013-9152-z
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Structural and functional based identification of the bean (Phaseolus) microRNAs and their targets from expressed sequence tags

Abstract: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small, 18-26 nucleotides long, non-coding RNAs that play role in post-transcriptional gene regulation. Many of these are evolutionarily conserved. This suggests a powerful approach to predict new miRNAs in other species. In this research, structural and functional approaches were combined to make computational prediction of potential miRNAs and their targets in Bean (Phaseolus). Total 55 novel miRNAs were detected from 38 miRNAs families in Bean (Phaseolus). These families are; miR156, 1… Show more

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Cited by 18 publications
(14 citation statements)
References 25 publications
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“…The majority (61 out of 120) of the miRNAs were 21 nt in length, followed by 22 nt (15%), 20 nt (10%), 24 nt (7%), 23 (6%), 19 nt (2%), 25 nt (2%), 26 nt (1%), and 18 nt (1%), respectively. These results of potato pre-miRNAs and mature sequences are in agreement with earlier available data in other plant species (Frazier et al, 2010;Xie et al, 2010;Ji et al, 2012;Barozai et al, 2013aBarozai et al, , 2013b. The mature miRNA sequences were found in the form of duplexes in the stem region of pre-miRNA secondary structures, as shown in Figure 1.…”
Section: Characterization Of Newly Identified Potato Mirnassupporting
confidence: 92%
See 1 more Smart Citation
“…The majority (61 out of 120) of the miRNAs were 21 nt in length, followed by 22 nt (15%), 20 nt (10%), 24 nt (7%), 23 (6%), 19 nt (2%), 25 nt (2%), 26 nt (1%), and 18 nt (1%), respectively. These results of potato pre-miRNAs and mature sequences are in agreement with earlier available data in other plant species (Frazier et al, 2010;Xie et al, 2010;Ji et al, 2012;Barozai et al, 2013aBarozai et al, , 2013b. The mature miRNA sequences were found in the form of duplexes in the stem region of pre-miRNA secondary structures, as shown in Figure 1.…”
Section: Characterization Of Newly Identified Potato Mirnassupporting
confidence: 92%
“…The combination of homology-based investigation and comparative genomics has produced novel and interesting results in plant genomics. Similar approaches were used by many groups of researchers to report novel miRNAs in plants (Frazier et al, 2010;Xie et al, 2010;Barozai et al, 2013aBarozai et al, , 2013b.…”
Section: New Conserved Potential Potato Mirnasmentioning
confidence: 98%
“…C. arabica mir-171 showed conservation with H. centranthoides (hce), S. lycopersicum (sly), and L. usitatissimum (lus), as shown in Figure 2. Similar findings were reported for Phaseolus, carrot, potato, tomato, and chili plants (Barozai et al, 2013a(Barozai et al, , 2013bDin and Barozai, 2014b). The phylogenetic analysis of the same miRNA (mir-171) sequences showed that C. arabica is closer to H. centranthoides (hce) than S. lycopersicum (sly) and L. usitatissimum (lus), as illustrated in Figure 3.…”
Section: Conservation and Phylogenetic Studies Of Genus Coffea Mirnassupporting
confidence: 83%
“…Other researchers also reported such proteins as potential targets of miRNAs (Zhang et al, 2006a;Sunkar and Jagadeeswaran, 2008;Barozai et al, 2013a).…”
Section: Potential Targets Of the Genus Coffeamentioning
confidence: 90%
“…The putative miRNAs were found with 18 nucleotide length which are also observed in the other studies [103,104]. The pre-miRNA were checked for the ability of folding into an appropriate hairpin secondary structure and mature miRNA should be placed in one arm of the hairpin structure ( Here, (A+U) content of pre-miRNA were found between the range of 55% to 61%, which was also observed in the other higher plants miRNAs [109,110,111]. Five conserved miRNA families (miR1536, miR9567-3p, miR4391, miR11300 and miR8689) were found in the jute genome which were also reported in the different plant families [112,113,114,115] and the predictive putative miRNAs were entitled as cca-miR1536, cca-miR9567-3p, cca-miR4391, cca-miR11300, and cca-miR8689.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 75%